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Brian is a strong supporter of Wyoming’s rural communities.  He has successfully enhanced effective natural resource management programs such as predator control and weed and pest programs.  These programs not only help our ag producers, but are also vital to wildlife management, including keeping the Sage Grouse off the endangered species list.


Brian has also led the charge to provide ranchers and consumers options for getting Wyoming's livestock to market.  Due to his efforts as Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, Wyoming has significantly increased the number of small and mid sized USDA packing plants from zero to around a dozen. He also got the State of Wyoming in the game pushing back against ineffective, often foreign owned meat packing monopolies.


Wyoming must pursue an all of the above energy strategy.  Traditional energy industries have served us well and will continue to do so for decades to come.  However, prudent diversification into alternative forms of energy which are not dependent on volatile commodity prices is in the states interest.  This will provide both jobs for our communities and stability for the businesses which support our energy industry. 


With all the new federal subsidies to support alternative energy sources, it is important to take steps to ensure Wyoming, not Washington, is in the driver's seat when it comes to energy development.  Brian will continue to develop and champion policies which will ensure Wyoming's "all of the above" approach to energy development doesn't warp into an "anything goes" policy.


Brian has a strong track record of successfully standing up to the federal government to reduce the federal regulatory burden on our oil and gas industry while protecting the private property rights of landowners.  He has also successfully coordinated local resistance to lawsuits from environmental extremists which seek to destroy our local energy economy. He has passed legislation which provides much needed tax relief to Wyoming's uranium industry and continues to fight to reduce the burden the state puts on its most impactful industries.

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As Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee, Senator Boner has fought hard for our military and veterans. He has ensured veterans continue to get a hiring preference in state government and has successfully passed multiple laws which protect the rights of deployed National Guard members, active military members and their families. Brian has also successfully passed laws which enhance the security of nuclear missiles deployed in Wyoming - the same strategic weapons he operated as a young airman. 


Additionally, he was instrumental in establishing Quebec 01 Missile Alert Facility as a state historic site.  This site gives the State of Wyoming the unprecedented opportunity to explain the active nuclear mission within its borders to the public at large. As the nation faces growing threats from emboldened adversaries, it is more important than ever to advocate for the strategic deterrence mission of Wyoming's F.E. Warren Air Force Base.  



Senator Boner has used his military experience to ensure Wyoming taxpayer dollars are spent responsibly.  While the budget for our state agencies outside of K-12 education is balanced, Senator Boner will continue to advocate for effective spending in the day to day operations of our state budget. 


He has fought hard for Wyoming’s communities by pushing back on self protecting bureaucracies who place the burden of budget cuts solely on the people they are meant to serve without finding efficiencies in their own operations.  Even after years of cuts, state government is still organized as if it is experiencing significant budget surpluses. Moving forward, Brian will continue to advocate for reforms which incorporate sound organizational management principles into state government.


As statewide revenues continue to fluctuate, Wyoming must empower local school districts by moving away from a wasteful, top-heavy, bureaucratic statewide education system.  This statewide system is the product of decades old lawsuits - not sound organization management principles - and has failed to change with the times.  Our students and teachers have been held back for too long by a system which puts the redistribution of wealth before classroom success.


Senator Boner has been a tireless advocate for our students, teachers and school districts.  Whether it be ensuring a safe learning environment in our schools or increasing the amount of fresh, local protein in school lunch programs, he has always put classroom needs before politics.  Even as the legislature cut all other spending by 20% and drew down the state's savings, he has voted to increase K-12 funding in all years in the legislature except one.  

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